Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ed Tech Blog Repsonse- going paperless

My tech coordinator recommended this Blog called "Teach Paperless".  I posted my comments about the use of textbooks HERE!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What I GOT and what there's NOT.

Hmmm technology.  I live in the land of milk and honey at HCHS.  We have the 1-1 laptop program. High Speed wireless internet is available in all areas of the school as well as in the parking lots:)   I have a brand spanking New Mac book.  I have two projectors in my room and a wireless hand held remote that allows me to switch from DVD to my laptop projection, to a student laptop projection to Video, to TV and back again with a touch of a button.  I got to play with and ipad yesterday and supposedly next year these will replace out wireless remotes and act as portable smart-boards.   I have a wireless microphone works through speakers placed strategically around the room so all students hear me equally. I have access to a smart-board room with active-panels as well.  I have everything I need in terms of technology at school, I couldn't ask for anything more...accept maybe a complimentary iphone:)  All teachers at my school are expected to integrate technology into their curriculum and for that matter, into most lessons. 
At HCHS, students and teachers alike love technology when it makes life easier and hate it when it doesn't.  The feedback from former students who experienced the 1-1 program and went to college is overwhelmingly positive.  It is why teachers who don't like technology use it...because it prepares students for the "real world".   Students love their laptops for games and social networking and complain about using it for education...just like they'd complain if they were taking notes on paper.  Obviously we battle a high sense of entitlement at HCHS, but for he most part students are grateful for the laptop experience.

As far as home goes...I can take my laptop home but I do not have wireless internet or any internet for that matter (I can thank Dave Ramsey and my cheap husband for that).  However my New Macbook doe keep company with my ancient beauty...a stainless Powerbook G4 from 2003, which is primarily used to play Jillian Micheals workout DVDS. If I need internet access I sit like a creeper in my car in the South Haven Walgreens parking lot.  I pray no one breaks into the store, beacsue if they watch security footage they are gonna wonder why the girl in the white saab wagon is there at 10:45pm looking at a computer screen.   (the local library closes at 8:00pm)

I was really excited about this class because I love the dialogue about technology in education.  I wanna talk about positive and negative and look at data and pedagogy.  I like learning about technology information literacy because my goal is use my tech experience to help other educators incorporate technology into their lessons.  Whether as a consultant or prof at a local CC, its what I am passionate about and I have a LOT to learn, especially the terms and background knowledge.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

To Wiki or Not To Wiki

To Wiki or Not To Wiki....Ah yes that is the question of the day~

Teaching seniors in a research-laden class called "World Cultures" I have constantly struggled with this question.  For the last 5 years, I have maintained that Wikipedia is a wonderful thing, a great starting point, a valuable resource, BUT NOT a "source" my students can site on their research bibliography.  Am I antiquated or absolutely fabulous?  Let me know what you think:)