Saddle up Cowboys and Cowgirls, we're taking a trip back in time to the WILD WILD WEST. In case you couldn't tell I plan to do a webquest for my final project. The unit I will be starting soon for US History is "Westward Expansion". This is one unit that I feel could use a good technology boost. My students will obviously be using their laptops to complete their task... discovering if the stereotypes of the Old West are true or false. I will need to find some quality resources for them both online and maybe on film (for the stereotypes...maybe youtube).
I look forward to incorporating what I learned from EDT 619's webquest week into our class as well as creating an online "discussion/question & answer" space of my moodle page for kids as they work on thier project over the next couple of days. While this is not new for my students or myself, I do get excited when my students take responsibility for their own learning and have the opportunity to work at their own pace, interpret data individually and process data collectively without constant teacher-hands-on-guidance.
Giddy Up
Cool idea. I look forward to seeing what you develop. I might have mentioned this, but I created a Webquest development discussion topic on our class Forum here:
Feel free to pose questions or comments, etc.